Budget Workshop
Are you behind on bills? Do you want to make credit work for you? Is debt getting in your way?
Connections has put together a Budget Workshop to help consumers learn how to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound) goals, how to save money, track your income, pay the bills, make your money last the entire month, get a handle on your debt, understand credit scores and reports, use financial products and services and how to protect your money and your information.
This 60-minute workshop will meet the 22nd of May at Connections’ Greeley office from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m., located at 1331 8th Ave.
This workshop will be based on the 9 modules from the Financial empowerment toolkit from Consumer Financial Protect Bureau. Each session will include a module or two, depending on time and questions.
Zoom Link:
If you’re interested, please email info@connections4il.org or call (970)352-8682 to register.
For more information, visit our Classes and Workshops page.