Grievance Resolution Process

Rights and Responsibilities

My Rights:

  • Connections cannot discriminate against me due to the type of disability, age, sex, race, birthplace, sexual preference, political or religious beliefs, or the length of time I have been in the area.
  • Alternative formats are available upon my request. These include: video conferencing with sign language, sign language interpreters, large print newsletters, electronic newsletters, magnification devices for documents/photos, written materials translated via Google Translate, third-party interpreters/translators, and written material translated to Braille via Colorado Talking Book Library.
  • I have the right to ask any person of my choice to be present at any meetings with the Connections Staff.
  • I can view my file at any time.
  • I have the right to file a grievance if I feel dissatisfied with Connections Staff or its actions. I also, have the right to appeal decisions made by Connections for Independent Living by following the grievance resolution process.
  • If at any time I have a question about these rights, I can contact:

Client Assistance Program
455 Sherman Street, Ste. 130
Denver, CO 80203

My Responsibilities:

  • To fill out the Eligibility Form to document my disability.
  • To work in partnership with the Independent Living Specialist (ILS) to set personal goals.
  • To share in the work in achieving these goals.
  • To inform the ILS when I am dissatisfied with the goals, the way they are being achieved, or if I want to add or change my goals.
  • To inform the ILS of any resources available that I have knowledge of which may help in the achievement of my goals.

Rights and Responsibilities from with signature boxes.

Grievance Process for Consumers

At each meeting in the grievance resolution process, I must bring my complaint and can have anyone of
my choosing present.
1) Grievance resolution must first be attempted between the ILS (Independent Living Specialist)
and me. I have 180 calendar days to inform the ILS of my complaint. The ILS has 10 calendar
days after being notified of the complaint to schedule a meeting with me. After the meeting, if
the issue is still unresolved, the ILS has 10 calendar days to respond to me in writing.
2) If I am still unsatisfied with the situation, I can contact CIL’s Director of Independent Living
Services, who has 15 calendar days after being contacted to schedule a meeting. If the issue is
still unresolved, the Director of Independent Living Services who has 15 calendar days after the
meeting to respond in writing.
3) If I am still unsatisfied with the situation, I can contact CIL’s Executive Director who has 15
calendar days after being contacted to schedule a meeting. If the issue is still unresolved, the
Executive Director has 15 calendar days after the meeting to respond in writing.
4) If I am still unsatisfied with that response, I can contact Connections Board of Directors
grievance committee to schedule a formal hearing. The committee has 30 calendar days from
my contact to schedule a hearing. I must be notified of the time and place at least 30 days
before the hearing takes place. If the hearing does not resolve my complaint, the committee has
20 calendar days to respond in writing.
At any time during this process, I can contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP).

Grievance Resolution Process form with signature boxes