Pre-Employment Transition Services

Pre-Employment Transition Services (PreETS) are provided to students with disabilities to further develop an awareness of career and education opportunities, the general skills needed for employment success in any field, and the skills needed to appropriately advocate for themselves as they prepare to exit secondary education and enter the workforce or participate in other post-school activities.

PreETS Job Exploration Counseling and Work Based Learning Experiences

Activities that help an individual to discover and learn about various jobs by providing counseling on various careers, career pathways, or career clusters. Examples of activities  include individual/group job shadows, tours of job sites, or volunteer experiences in order to learn about various employment settings. Additional services include assessments or interest inventories to help the individual learn about how his/her characteristics will fit within careers. Further services may involve speakers for a career day at the school or organizing field trips to help inform students about careers. All of these opportunities are designed to enhance the knowledge base of potential career and exploratory pathways to employment.  

PreETS Post Secondary Counseling

Counseling on enrollment in comprehensive transition or post-secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education. Examples might include arranging college visits, assisting with the FAFSA or post-secondary justification forms. Transition services may include helping a student to explore and learn about vocational programs.

PreETS Self-Advocacy

Instruction in self-advocacy, which could include peer mentoring.  Some of the services might include financial literacy training, self-advocacy coaching, and the development of self-determination skills. 

PreETS Workplace Readiness Training, Situational Assessments, and Benefits Counseling

Development of social skills and providing independent living services to support the development of necessary “soft skills” to ensure success in any workplace environment. Services may include the development of appropriate/effective communication skills, social behaviors needed for the workplace, interview skills, resume development, and/or work-study and work adjustment training. Situational Assessments can include information leading to Personal Adjustment Training (PAT) or Work Adjustment Training (WAT). Certified Benefits counselors can provide benefits planning/counseling.

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