Weld County, CO, October 30, 2020 – Northeastern Colorado residents living with disabilities, who also are experiencing temporary homelessness owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and current economic conditions, are encouraged to participate in a new program from nonprofit Connections for Independent Living.
Each Friday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. through November 20, and from December 4 through 18, Connections is hosting the Connections Cares program outdoors at the organization’s downtown Greeley headquarters at 1331 8th Avenue. During the weekly session, an independent living specialist, a housing specialist, and an SSI/SSDI specialist will be on hand to provide assistance and guidance to individuals in need. Qualifying residents with disabilities can be added to the organization’s Section 8 housing voucher list. Representatives can also begin the screening process to determine SSI/SSDI eligibility, as well as discussing processes and solutions for the challenges associated with independent living.
Nutritious pantry boxes are also available at no cost for any Weld County resident who lives with a disability. You do not need to be a registered consumer with Connections to participate in this program.
The program is open to persons within the organization’s seven-county northeastern Colorado region who live with disabilities. Connections Cares participants must be currently registered with the organization, but those who are not yet registered are invited to begin the free process.
Connections is offering at no cost to participating care consumers personal protective equipment masks through the Connections Cares program, along with pantry boxes with supplemental food. Knitted cold weather hats are also available while supplies last.
Connections for Independent Living is a non-residential, participant-controlled nonprofit Independent Living Center that promotes independent living and the empowerment of all persons with disabilities. The organization is one of nine certified Independent Living Centers in Colorado. Services are provided at no cost to qualifying area residents.